Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Factchecking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Factchecking - Essay Example He said he would but that law does not exist and that he had been clear that he supports exceptions for abortion in cases of rape, abortion and to save the life of the mother. Romney also employed deception in his attack with Obama with his ad that Obama will raise taxes by $4,000 on American middle class. This was an outright fabrication because Obama is not planning to raise taxes on the middle class to service the debt. The articles in and also reveal how politicians use false information to make accusations. We can use as an example the most common issue of sequestration which is the spending cuts to arrest the deficit. Republics blamed Obama in in the article The Obamaquester that it will specifically target certain sectors in society. When it was verified in with, this accusation was in fact false because the sequester does not make distinction quoting Obama saying as it â€Å"won’t consider whether we’re cutting some bloated program that has outlived its usefulness, or a vital service that Americans depend on every single day. It doesn’t make those

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