Friday, June 14, 2019

Appendicitis and its Symptoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Appendicitis and its Symptoms - Essay ExampleXuix, a Chinese citizen has been admitted to hospital with having pain in the abdomen. Currently, he is in Australia and his English understanding is limited. Consequently, he is non able to interpret the problem efficiently as well as other useful teaching needed for further treatment. Furthermore, it is ascertained that he has been unworthy from appendicitis and he need to bear emergency surgery. Xuix is also otiose to communicate his medical history appropriately to the medical practitioners. Eventually, the problem is that the medical practitioners are unable to communicate him the risks associated with the surgery and obtain valid consent from him in order to proceed with the surgery. Consequently, an online interpreters help was sought, however due to certain issues related to funding the person could not be consulted. In contrast, a cleaning staff who could communicate at a moderate capacity in Chinese as well as in English was employed as an interpreter. Unfortunately, the staff did not have proper knowledge of the medical terminologies. The basic information relating to his surgery was communicated to him and with his consent he was taken to operation theatre for emergency surgery. ... Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Slowly the swelling of appendix increases and the pain gets shifted into the demean abdomen. Appendicitis is an emergency situation which might create a medical scenario that requires the appendix to be removed urgently as soon as possible to alleviate the pain felt by the patient. If it is left untreated or swelling continues to persist, appendix may get ruptured or burst. Once the appendix is burst, it may put across to peritonitis and other serious abdominal problems that can be fatal unless it is treated quickly and efficiently (WebMD, LLC, 2012). The diagnosis of appendicitis is conducted by patients history and examinations. In ultramodern medical field, appendix can be removed in two ways, the traditional open surgery or the laparoscopic surgery. The surgery procedure nearly takes an instant (National Center for bioengineering Information, 2011). However, there are certain complications relating to surgery. Complications may gist from anaesthesia, breathing problem, or side effects caused by surgery (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2011). The possible complications of the surgery may comprise excessive bleeding, or any kind of infection in incision part within the body. Notably, infection may tend to be mild or severe. Contextually, in mild infections, patient may have to suffer from mild tenderness and redness in the electron orbit of incision. At the same time, moderate infections may require patient to take antibiotics to prevent any complications while severe infections may cause patient to undergo another surgery along with antibiotics. The complications possibility is rare in terms of laparoscopic procedures. Howeve r, the surgery may also have long-term effects which may result in diagnosis of other diseases

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