Sunday, June 16, 2019

MUSIC REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MUSIC REPORT - Essay ExampleThe music starts soft, with strings ushering in soft music and ulterior on would crescendo into a complete expression of his love for Cosima. The events in Wagners life prompted the composition of the Idyll, a set that remains to be one of his greatest masterpieces to this day Upon listening to the music, the notes take a relaxing mood, moving into a sweet caress of the notes. In the later part of the Idyll, the notes become more melancholic, more serious, bringing the mood back to reality, reflecting Wagners struggle throughout his career. However, this struggle was lifted and made lighter by Cosima, whom Wagner referred to as his eternal support. Sigfried Idyll reflects Wagners romantic nature, as recounted, he held Cosimas hands, and she was beside him as he wrote down the last notes for the full orchestral pit of Sigfried. This vivid composition is a very good expression of love and life a balance of feeling blessed, and struggles one continuously face.Another brilliant composer, whose work remains popular up to this day, is Ludwig Van Beethoven, a German composer and pianist. Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 1 in C study, Op. 15 was written between 1796 and 1797, and was played for the first time in Prague, in 1798, by Beethoven himself. Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major generally has an upbeat melody, with a faint melancholic transition in the middle, and then rising once again into its upbeat spirit. This piece combines dramatic unequivocal style of lively contrasts and symmetrical forms. With the forceful nature of Beethovens music, he gave voice to the new current of subjectivism and individualism which emerged at the coming around of the French revolution, as well as the rise of the middle class. In listening to this piece, Beethoven conveys the message of freedom and equality as the notes demand and complain with its forceful, rhythmic patterns. Piano concerto No. 1 in C Major certainly

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