Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Human Nature and Human Destiny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Nature and Human Destiny - Essay ExampleHowever, every human is curious to know how the humans got created, who controls the universe, how did man prototypic come into being. Answers to these cannot be derived from any number of scientific experiments, theories or inventions. These are the questions that lead a man of high intellect to go beyond rule-governed boundaries of knowledge and seek answers. That the world was created by some unexplainable power, makes the intellect and will of the humans go beyond to ascertain how things came into being and who or what that authoritative Power is. Genesis 127 reads, So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them male and young-bearing(prenominal) he created them.(Imperato, 2009) He went on to create man with intellect, emotions and free will. These factors set us apart from any other living organism in the universe (Mendelson, 2010). For e.g. animals function the same way as they crap ever since the ir inception, without much of change in their behavioural pattern. Man on the other hand is know to resist conventionality and is always recreating, discovering, inventing and thinking ahead. While many do not confirm to any religion, they have been unable to resist seeking answers to the above. They have pushed their intellect and will in their quest to pursue the unexplainable.

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