Thursday, June 20, 2019

Criminal Justice and Deviance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminal Justice and Deviance - Coursework ExamplePolitical influence for material leads to bribery, extortion, and kickbacks in the society. For instance, the Watergate scandal in America history illustrated the web of affairs between the political class and organized crime in addition to dirty politics affects citizens welfare. In side of this, public funds were lost through unscrupulous payment, for instance in the Watergate scandal, President Reagan ex-GSA appointee and his associates received a total of 2.3 million dollars through the trade of tax credits for a HUD-sponsored project (Simon, 2008). The interrelationship between the political elite with political clout is a fundamental constituent in upholding deviance, in that corporation persuade law makers to make certain that their actions escape criminalization and rigorous sanctions. The use of unfair means to gain and maintain power is in addition synonymous to political clout because, both distort democracy by disruptin g, national unity in addition to destroying freedom. Political power is meant for national structure (Bharathi, 1998). 2. Chapters 7 & 9 of Elite Deviance explore some(prenominal) type of political deviance in the US. What can be done to curtail the numerous types of deviance discussed? Political policing is one of the methods, which can be used to curtail political deviance. Civil societies have undertaken the role of political policing in the government for many years in American and across the globe, by advocating for citizens civil engagement in issues affecting their existence, such as allocation of funds and social equality. The political deviance of secrecy, lying and deception bestowed to politicians especially presidents and vice presidents through executive powers can be curtailed through cutback of executive privileges and immunity to president on going office or while in office. This is because presidential immunity allows presidents and other high-ranking politician s to withhold crucial information from the public, the court system, and the legislature such as Congress and senate, which may be crucial to national security. For example, General M. Taylor refused to appear before the House Subcommittee on Defense Application to give information regarding the true laurel of Pigs offensive in 1963 (Simon, 2008). Other political deviances like abuse of power by government agencies, war crimes, official violence, political prisoners, and international crimes can be curtailed through imprisonment of the culprits after their rein in power or impeachment of sitting presidents (Hodge & Nolan, 2007). 3. If marijuana were to be legalized in the US with 3 years, would a fall guy be associated with its use? Legalization of marijuana would not attract stigma in its users, because its current use in America is widespread despite beingness illegal. Statistics indicate that marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance under the illicit drugs categor y. In addition, the drug is relatively socially acceptable as compared to other illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin (Husak & De Marneffe, 2005). The social stigma associated with marijuana use would be curtailed by the fact that, at preface some states in America have legalized its use for medicinal purpose, hence a marijuana user would support his or her use through the medical facts currently offered. A cultural movement of cannabis enthusiastic called 420 has made cannabis smoking relatively social

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